Awards, Salon CRETE, 2020

Last Update March 14 2020 Category OPEN-COLOR Participant Photo Title AWARD Country/Region Kluger Manfred voodoo queen 1 FIAP Gold Medal Germany Korhonen Marjut Soap bubble forest PSA Gold Medal Finland FENECH Noel Memories Of The Fallen GPU Gold Medal Malta Istvan Kerekes Fate GAP Gold Medal Hungary OConnell Sue Caro Woman and Child GPU Silver […]

Acceptances, Salon CRETE, 2020

Last Update March 14 2020 Andorra 1. CENDROS NURIA     Vaporitzador, Accepted (open-color)     Carlemany 2, Accepted (open-color) Australia 1. BOYTELL KERRY     Married Daasanach lady and Son, Accepted (open-monochrome)     Intergalactic Princess Warrior, Accepted (open-color)     Little Hermit in Flight, Accepted (nature)     Eagle Hunter With Friend, Accepted (open-color)     Whooper Swans Landing, Accepted (nature)     Racing with Eagles, Accepted (travel)     Going […]

Awards, Salon MYKONOS, 2020

Last Update March 14 2020 Category OPEN-COLOR Participant Photo Title AWARD Country/Region Zhao Huaming Bhythm of Tea Market FIAP Gold Medal China Tan Lee Eng Ballerina Muller 56 PSA Gold Medal Singapore GABOR Ovidiu Natalia GPU Gold Medal Romania Ma Yaping Music lingered in the air GAP Gold Medal China Kuesta Garmendia Joxe Inazio Theyyam-Ceremony-Performer-India […]

Acceptances, Salon MYKONOS, 2020

Last Update March 14 2020 Andorra 1. CENDROS NURIA     Carlemany 2, Accepted (open-color) Australia 1. BOYTELL KERRY     Bonelli Breakfast, Accepted (nature)     Racing with Eagles, Accepted (travel)     Going to the Eagle Festival, Accepted (travel)     Whooper Swans Landing, Accepted (nature)     Little Hermit in Flight, GPU Honorable Mention 4 (nature) 2. BRACE LORRAINE     Dark Side, Accepted (open-color)     Gold, […]

Awards, Salon SANTORINI, 2020

Last Update March 14 2020 Category OPEN-COLOR Participant Photo Title AWARD Country/Region ALRASHDI SALEM Eeys of joy FIAP Gold Medal Oman Wheeler David Help at Hand PSA Gold Medal United Kingdom YIALLOURIS GEORGE ANGELINA 14 GPU Gold Medal Cyprus Ma Zhongshu Study GAP Gold Medal China Chen Xinxin Nenets child3 GPU Silver Medal China Mitra […]

Acceptances, Salon RHODES, 2020

Last Update March 14 2020 Australia 1. BOYTELL KERRY     Family Life, Accepted (open-monochrome)     Little Hermit in Flight, Accepted (nature)     Sunset Race, Accepted (open-color)     Bonelli Breakfast, Accepted (nature)     Bonelli Eagle Catches Pigeon, Accepted (nature)     Racing with Eagles, Accepted (travel) 2. BRACE LORRAINE     Gold, Accepted (open-color)     Face In The Forest, Accepted (open-monochrome) 3. CASEY BRONWEN     Baby Seal, […]

Awards, Salon RHODES, 2020

Last Update March 14 2020 Category OPEN-COLOR Participant Photo Title AWARD Country/Region Hank Roland Rush Hour FIAP Gold Medal Germany Buenger Harry Peace of the world PSA Gold Medal Germany MAZUMDAR DURBA JENNY GPU Gold Medal India KOSTAS CHALKIADAKIS Tulip and black bottles GAP Gold Medal Greece Bandara Pandula Scary Night GPU Silver Medal Sri […]